Nose Surgery

What is an attractive nose? Quite simply, it is a nose that fits your face. It is a natural-looking nose that achieves a harmonious balance with your other facial features. If you feel that your nose is not a good fit, you may benefit from cosmetic surgery of the nose, also called rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can enhance the shape, size and general appearance of your nose. (See Figures A and B.)

You may be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you have any of the following conditions:


When the surgery is completed, you will be taken to a recovery area. Any discomfort that you feel will be controlled with the medication prescribed. A splint may be applied to the bridge of your nose to protect the nose and hold the tissues in place until they have stabilized. You may also have a small, triangular bandage beneath the tip of your nose and packing inside the nostrils, especially if work has been done to improve your breathing.

Although everyone heals at a different rate, you can expect that your recovery will follow this general timeline:

The first day:
In this early stage of healing, you should rest with your head elevated to help minimize swelling. The activity must be kept to a minimum. You may experience a small amount of bleeding and stuffiness. Packing may be removed 1 to 3 days post-surgery.

Within ten days:
Swelling reaches its peak and then begins to subside. Bruising will begin to diminish. You can safely use makeup to conceal any discoloration. Stitches will have been removed. You may discontinue wearing the splint. You may return to school or a non-strenuous job.

After several weeks:
You may resume exercise and most of your normal activities. Most of the swelling will subside (it usually takes weeks to months for the complete resolution of the swelling). Numbness will diminish; however, some loss of sensation may persist for several months. You may resume wearing eyeglasses normally. (In the early stages of healing, patients often use tape to keep their glasses from resting on their healing noses).

In the months following surgery, it is important to keep your nose shielded from direct sunlight and contact. Wearing sunblock lotion is essential for protecting your skin.


Eyelid puffiness, drooping upper lids or fine wrinkles around the eyelids can make people appear tired, sad, or older than they feel.


After surgery, the patient has a straighter bridge, a well defined nasal tip and an improved angle between the nose and upper lip.